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First wax contract signed in Africa

Released Date: Jul 09,2018 Article Source: Fushun HengYI
First paraffin exported contract signed in Uganda, Africa, in Jun 2018. 150t fully refined paraffin wax ordered by Uganda's customer with competitive price.

First paraffin exported contract signed in Uganda, Africa, in Jun 2018. After first market investigate carried over by the CEO of Hengyi paraffin wax ltd., the local customer paid much attention on the company and showed strong interest of Hengyi products. In Jun 2018, a contract of exporting 150t fully refined paraffin wax has been signed and the shipment is committed to happen in Aug. 

This is a great contribution that Fushun paraffin wax market penetrate into African market, and Hengyi is acting a leader of the market expansion. The product of Hengyi is competitive by first-class quality and price. 

Uganda contract

Hengyi is currently building the brand in wax market in a positive way, and there will a bright future

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  • fsgm@fsgm.com.cn
  • +86 24 58308799
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